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Let's Keep Brian Fighting for Us!
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Who is Brian Lanoue?

Brian is a life-long resident of Eastern Connecticut. He graduated from the Norwich Free Academy, earned his bachelor’s degree from Eastern Connecticut State University, and a Master’s degree from Southern Connecticut State University. Brian is also a former champion powerlifter- one of the youngest athletes ever having won the Men’s Open World title for the deadlift, substance-free, at just 21 years of age.
Tired of what the State legislature was doing to Connecticut, Brian took these life experiences and put them to work for the people of Eastern Connecticut. In 2018, Brian was elected to the Connecticut House of Representatives where he has been a constant champion for children, workers, small businesses, and farmers in his district.

Keeping Our District First
- 100% Score from the Connecticut Business and Industry Association (CBIA) and endorsed by the NFIB. Brian introduced legislation to cut regulations and taxes to support workers, business owners, and farmers.
- Strong advocate to protect children from sexual predators and violent felons. Brian's legislation requiring background checks on all prospective children’s camp employees got passed into law with Public Act 21-82.
- Successfully expanded CRISIS pilot Program. This successful program combats the opioid and mental health crises by bringing together our police and mental health professionals.
- A staunch supporter of the right to bear arms. Endorsed by both the CCDL & NRA. Introduced H.B.5227, to prevent towns and cities from imposing firearm restrictions on law-abiding citizens. Also fought and defeated the 35% ammo tax on gun owners.
- Co-Introduced H.B. 6525, to examine breaking up the Eversource monopoly and creating competition in the energy market to protect Connecticut ratepayers.
- Fought to upgrade Voluntown into the top tier for the new PILOT funding formula.
- Supported our local volunteer first responders by introducing H.B. 5722, which tax exempts their stipend payment.
- Called an amendment to protect private property owners from eminent domain abuse.
- Defended homeowners from big banks.
- Helped our veterans and volunteer fire departments.
- Opposed increase in state spending.
- Advocated for small businesses and working-class families.
What Brian Will Continue To Fight For

Income tax cuts for individuals and families
Defending the Second Amendment
Reforming anti-police legislation
Repealing the Highway use truck tax
Preserving local volunteer fire departments